Downeyville Times • Newsletter Vol 1: Issue 1
Downeyville Times • Newsletter Vol 1: Issue 1 ©2025 Downeyville Times Click here to download the original Newsletter (as PDF): Downeyville Newsletter Vol 1: Issue 1
British Emigration History Book Review by Elwood H. Jones
Helen I. Cowan, British Emigration to British North America: the first hundred years, Toronto, U of Toronto Press, 1961, Pp. xi, 321, illustrations, endnotes, bibliography Helen Cowan’s study of British emigration remains the gold standard work on the subject. She had...
The Naming of Peterborough by Elwood H. Jones
Peterborough, named in 1825 to honour Peter Robinson, has a more intricate origin than commonly understood. Public lore often misrepresents the naming process, which, while a tribute to Robinson, was also influenced by Hon. Zacheus Burnham’s New Hampshire background…