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    ©2024 Nine Ships 1825 Inc.

    Administrator Contact

    Nine Ships 1825 Board of Directors

    Chairperson:    Brendan Moher
    Vice-Chair:       Mary Smith
    Secretary:         Maureen Crowley
    Director:            Elwood Jones
    Director:            Dennis Carter-Edwards

    Nine Ships Logo

    ©2024 Nine Ships 1825 Inc.

    Support the Bicentennial

    Support our Bicentennial events by volunteering, sponsoring, or donating. Volunteers are essential in making our events run smoothly, offering their time and skills to help with various tasks. Sponsorships provide businesses and individuals with the chance to showcase their commitment to our community while gaining valuable exposure. Donations, whether large or small, directly contribute to the success of our events, ensuring we can deliver a memorable experience for everyone. Your involvement, in any form, plays a crucial role in honouring our heritage and fostering a sense of unity.

    Join us in making this Bicentennial a truly remarkable occasion.